Saturday, 17 November 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

     Hello there, mates! Hope all is well on the other side. I attended a closed usrah session sometime last week and it was a very meaningful one. It was a privilege to be there because..... Ustaz Dr. Dato' Harun Din was the one giving the talk. How awesome is thaaaaat. All thanks to Kak Fa! It was an usrah session for artists yang baru hijrah. She received the invite and asked me if I wanted to tag along and of course I wanted to! I even sat right in front! I felt lucky.

(This was how close I was! Awesome kaaannn *grins*)

Anyway, he shared insights on Amalan and so on.. The things that caught my attention was when he talked abt Ikhlas. How privilege it is when someone feels sincere in the ibadah that he/she has done. Did you know that... 'Ikhlas' is one of the many many MANY rahsia Allah s.w.t? Yes. Not everybody is sincere on the ibadah that they are doing. There are people who do it because to them it's like a routine or something U see other's doing. They dont know the importance of solat, puasa and perkara-perkara wajib yang lain or even other good deeds. U do it because Ur parents told U to, because Ur Ustaz told U to, or because Ur boyfriend/girlfriend told U to and not because U want to, not becaue U need to. I was like that once before. Mama had to always remind me to solat. Bila masuk waktu je, and she comes upstairs and see me watching TV she'd be saying "Adiiiikkk, dah masuk waktu ni. Pergi solat! Apa nak jadi ni? Xkan nak hidup macam lembu tak ada matlamat" Yuppp! that's what she always say to me once before. So, nak mengelakkan dia bebel2 i go inside my room, with a heavy heart, with my mind wondering about the TV show I was watching and ambik wudhu' and solat. Niat bila solat "Sahaja aku solat . . . . kerana Allah Ta'ala" dalam hati baik cakap "Sahaja aku solat . . . kerana Mama suruh" so, it makes my ibadah tak berkualiti and tak Ikhlas. Allah s.w.t choose who He wants to inject the sincerity to. So, feel blessed and lucky if U have been ikhlas with all the ibadah U have been doing. How do U get sincerity? U doa from Allah s.w.t everytime U solat. U doa for a sincere heart, cleanse Ur heart from dengki,from jealousy and from Riak.They say when U sedaqah, "Lebih baik tangan kiri tidak tahu apa yang tangan kanan memberi" *im jumbling my own words to the understanding of the statement*  it's best when U sedeqah and no one else knows. Only U and Allah s.w.t knows. Elakkan daripada menimbulkan perasaan riak in Urself. Like Ustaz Dr. Dato Harun Din said last night, sometimes when U solat in front of people there's a feeling of Ohhh people are watching me! I better solat betul2 nanti dapat praises! Now that is RIAK . Lari daripada the true concept of what Ur doing. The niat. Again, the niat is "Sahaja aku solat . . . KERANA ALLAH TA'ALA' Isn't it for Him? Then why care if people are looking? why bother to even think about others that are looking? Why expect praises when initially if U dont think about other people, Ur pahala is waiting for U. Baiklah dapat pahala daripada praises. Praises wont be weighed in the afterlife at Alam Barzakh but it is ur deeds. Deeds that comes from a sincere heart. There is one other example that Ustaz Dr. Dato Harun Din gave us last night which was... when someone yawns beria-ia and another person sees and asks "Beria betul menguap, mengantuk betul kau ni" and the person answers "Semalam bangun pukul 3 pagi buat solat Tahajud lepas tu tak tidur sampai ke laa ni" Sadly, the amount of pahala that U woke up for Tahajud has been decreased all because of Ur statement. To me, a good deed isn't a good deed if everyone else knows. A good deed is between U and Allah s.w.t. Whatever good U do, there's no need to tell the whole world. Keep it private. Take it as a privacy of the relationship between U and Allah s.w.t and that leads to Ikhlas and all the pahala that Allah has promised to give U for the good that U have done will be all Urs. No deduction! Isn't that amazing? Who wouldnt want that? I know I do and Im sure everyone does too. Hope this is something worth sharing, Insyaallah! Have a blessed weekend ahead and enjoy the Deepavali holidays!

Jazakallah Khayrun

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