The title explains it all. Yes, indeed! Deodorant is a MUST have!
I love Rexona! It's always in my handbag. Without a deodorant with me, I feel pretty incomplete! Personally, my armpits easily sweat! (HEY im only human! theres no such thing as control cun cause memang my armpits sweats easily ;p ) We do live in Malaysia where d weather is always sunny and hot! So, what Rexona spray does for me is that the smell lasts pretty long and its great for people like me! So, whenever I feel all masam and sweaty, I just take it out and spray! Its as easy as ABC!
Why I say deodorant is important? Because... as a person in a situation lets say, Ur in a LRT, its pretty packed and Ur really tired and U know how pack and stuffy it is in there. Imagine that Ur seating and a person comes in and stands in front of U and lifts up his arm to hold on to the railing handle above. Just as he lifts up his arm........ PERRRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! pengsan terus! *drop dead*
Yes, bukan semua orang wangi all the time in this world. Everybody has their moments in a day when they stink and thats why bringing a deodorant in ur bag is a must. Every time U feel like U stink, take it out and spray it on U. Bukannya mahal pun deodorant tu. Berapa ringgit je lah. Apa salahnya spend a few bucks to make urself smell good and make the people around U comfortable. Rather than when U lift up Ur arms, people in front of U terpaksa buat muka and dalam hati maki hamun U. Kesiankanlah dorang, free2 dapat dosa all because of U who stinks. Seriously, I am a normal human being. Im no angel. When people around me stinks, SubahanAllah... only Allah knows how I feel.
On Thursdays, I have Algebra class. Among all 4 of my classes, tak de satu class pun ada masalah bau ketiak yang harum ni EXCEPT Algebra class! Dah lah algebra, my very worst nightmare! For the ones who knows me, memang I hate Maths! Give me an essay, I'll write U one with no complains. Give me numbers, I'll definitely run out on U. Anyway, moving on... I came in class and sat at the 2nd last row with my friend, K. Tiba2.... ada this hamba Allah that came in and as soon as she passed by my row, Ya Allah.... everybody looked at each other and gave that 'EEE busuk' face! I gotta say, my nose is superbly sensitive (the benefits of having a big nose I suppose) I can detect smell easily especially la bau busuk kan. Dah lah my lecturer was explaining on something pretty complicated and I couldn't concentrate dah sebab she was sitting just behind me!
You see how bad smell can affect people? Even in Islam, when u mengeluarkan bau bau yang makes people uncomfortable, dah dikira berdosa! Yes, it is true. Im sure most of U do know and for the ones who doesnt... Tanyalah, Ustaz/Ustazah! Look it up.
So, conclusion is... pakailah deodorant ye. It will make a difference! So make Urself smell good and Fresh always! scratch the good, make Urself smell GREAT!
Lots of Love
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