Friday, 30 November 2012

Assalamualaikum, December!

December, marks the very last month for 2012! Time flies too quick that its too over-whelming indeed! November was, Alhamdulillah, Really progressive! Hoping for the momentum to not stop and keeps on getting better&better!

December, with Finals around the corner (in hope everything will go on smoothly)! So much to look forward to this December! Hopefully December will give us all good prosperity,good health,a blessed&blissful one!

Happy December, Loves!
Have a GREAT one!


Assalamualaikum w.b.t!

Found some of my old home videos a few days back and made time last night to watch. Gosssshhhhhh, sedih sedih! As much as I enjoy reminiscing, i hate it too! it just brings me to tears (yes, Im a pretty sensitive person) I thought to myself, Ya Allah, cepatnya aku membesar! This was all taken 18 years back. I wish I could re-live those moments and turn back time. Again, only in a perfect world!

sorry for the blur image. This was captured on TV. This was me about 6 months old! Ya Allah, perasan or not this may sound, I dont care but I was just really cute *In my eyes of course* Looking at this picture actually makes me feel like this wasn't me and Im missing her and it feels like she's somewhere out there, lost without me. Im a weirdo, I know but weird or not, I feel exactly that way! I had those big eyes, a big head, big nose!, big ears, and pipi too gebu to be true! I pray to Allah, one day when I have kids, they'd look exactly like me! *Amin*

Here's another one I captured as I was watching the home videos. Here's Bah singing to me his fav lullaby, the oh so famous 'cikecikebum' song under our rambutan tree that we had in our garden. Looking at the video actually made me miss the old house so much. I was born and raised there and well, here still. Im currently staying in the old place but the renovated version. Before, my house was this Semi-D house with a HUGE garden! I had pine trees planted around our gate that made me feel like christmas all around the year. I had this mini playground too! I had a red slide, a swing set and this white buaian from zaman my sisters and my brother and a jongkang-jongket set too! It was pretty cool. I had a rambutan tree and a mango tree too planted in the garden. Everything in TTDI! I remember when I was about 5,6 years old.. I'd sit down with my sister, KakFa at night and watch the stars. I'd be showing her the stars and say "Itu adik punya!" Okay, i feel all emo already!
Its just sad how time moves too quick! I wish I could slow it down and live every moment of it. I'm so glad Bah bought a video recorder a few days after I was born. I'm glad they recorded every progress and every step I made when I was growing up. Too lucky to be watching all this now. Im too lucky too, to be having everyone still with me. All 6 of us. Bah, Momma,KakFa,KakJihan&Abang. Still alive, still here staying under the same roof, still healthy. Yes, all of them can be such a pain in the tuuush at times but still, Im so grateful to have all of them around me plus another 2! The lil ones in the house, my darlings, Harris&Hannan(my niece and my nephew,kak Jihan's kids). Allah s.w.t has definitely blessed us all with their presence and Allah s.w.t has blessed me with my perfect imperfect family whom I love till Jannah.
When they cause us so much pain, all we wish for is to walk out on them and leave and just get out but at times we forget, life is too short. We'll never know when we're gonna lose them or when we're gonna go. Friendship&Relationships come and go but Family, forever will be with Us. Sampai ke akhirat. Everybody fights, yes. BUT, never putuskan the silaturrahim. If U do, Jannah will never be Urs. And our parents, it just frightens me to even cross the thought of losing them especially my Momma. I dont think I can even imagine my days without her. I left for Tganu a couple of days pun dah nangis2, missed her too much when I'm not near her. I pray to Allah to keep them from harm and to keep them healthy always. Through thick and thin, I'll always be their anak bongsu and I'll pour all my love for each and one of them. The key is to appreciate always and pour them with love and respect!
Allah S.W.T ,
Rasulullah S.A.W,
The rest of my LOVED ones <3


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Deodorant, A MUST have!

Assalamualaikum wbt...

The title explains it all. Yes, indeed! Deodorant is a MUST have!

I love Rexona! It's always in my handbag. Without a deodorant with me, I feel pretty incomplete! Personally, my armpits easily sweat! (HEY im only human! theres no such thing as control cun cause memang my armpits sweats easily ;p ) We do live in Malaysia where d weather is always sunny and hot! So, what Rexona spray does for me is that the smell lasts pretty long and its great for people like me! So, whenever I feel all masam and sweaty, I just take it out and spray! Its as easy as ABC! 
 Why I say deodorant is important? Because... as a person in a situation lets say, Ur in a LRT, its pretty packed and Ur really tired and U know how pack and stuffy it is in there. Imagine that Ur seating and a person comes in and stands in front of U and lifts up his arm to hold on to the railing handle above. Just as he lifts up his arm........ PERRRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! pengsan terus! *drop dead*
Yes, bukan semua orang wangi all the time in this world. Everybody has their moments in a day when they stink and thats why bringing a deodorant in ur bag is a must. Every time U feel like U stink, take it out and spray it on U. Bukannya mahal pun deodorant tu. Berapa ringgit je lah. Apa salahnya spend a few bucks to make urself smell good and make the people around U comfortable. Rather than when U lift up Ur arms, people in front of U terpaksa buat muka and dalam hati maki hamun U. Kesiankanlah dorang, free2 dapat dosa all because of U who stinks. Seriously, I am a normal human being. Im no angel. When people around me stinks, SubahanAllah... only Allah knows how I feel.
On Thursdays, I have Algebra class. Among all 4 of my classes, tak de satu class pun ada masalah bau ketiak yang harum ni EXCEPT Algebra class! Dah lah algebra, my very worst nightmare! For the ones who knows me, memang I hate Maths! Give me an essay, I'll write U one with no complains. Give me numbers, I'll definitely run out on U. Anyway, moving on... I came in class and sat at the 2nd last row with my friend, K. Tiba2.... ada this hamba Allah that came in and as soon as she passed by my row, Ya Allah.... everybody looked at each other and gave that 'EEE busuk' face! I gotta say, my nose is superbly sensitive (the benefits of having a big nose I suppose) I can detect smell easily especially la bau busuk kan. Dah lah my lecturer was explaining on something pretty complicated and I couldn't concentrate dah sebab she was sitting just behind me! 
You see how bad smell can affect people? Even in Islam, when u mengeluarkan bau bau yang makes people uncomfortable, dah dikira berdosa! Yes, it is true. Im sure most of U do know and for the ones who doesnt... Tanyalah, Ustaz/Ustazah! Look it up.
So, conclusion is... pakailah deodorant ye. It will make a difference! So make Urself smell good and Fresh always! scratch the good, make Urself smell GREAT!
Lots of Love

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Pray For Gaza


     My days have been drained with the news on whats happening in Palastine to the people in Gaza. It breaks my heart. I wish I had strength to upload more photos in this entry to show a clearer scene of whats it like there but I myself could not even bear to look at the photos that they have been posting everyday in the media or in the social networks. We should be feeling blessed with our surroundings, no bombs, no one gets shot for walking at a certain street, its a free country where U could go anywhere U want and do whatever U want. A place where children could run and enjoy their time at the park. I do wonder, with this issue going on, whoever claimed Muslims are terrorists should really think again. The propaganda of the Jews, of course. Are we the ones that should be labelled as the terrorists?

     I beg to those who have time, everytime we pray, in each prayer, make a Doa for them, for their peace, for things to be better. I beg to those who have money to make donation to the those that are running the foundation to help the people in Gaza (please be sure of the foundation that U want to donate, make sure they are legitimately certified by the authority). If money is too much to ask, doa,doa&DOA... Us Muslims should be United to help our Muslim brothers and sisters. A doa can do so much if and only IF you believe. Doa for the killing&the suffering to stop! The Jews may have their guns and bombs but Us muslims hold the powerful weapon which is the Doa. So, please... Let us all do what we can to help.

Rasulullah s.a.w once said :
1."The relationship of the believer with another believer is like (the bricks of) a building, each strengthens the other."
2.  "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. So he should not oppress him nor should he hand him over to (his satan or to his self which is inclined to evil). Whoever fulfills the needs of his brother, ALLAH will fulfill his needs; whoever removes the troubles of his brother, ALLAH will remove one of his troubles on the Day of Resurrection; and whoever covers up the fault of a Muslim, ALLAH will cover up his fault on the Day of Resurrection".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

May Allah s.w.t bless Us all


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

     Hello there, mates! Hope all is well on the other side. I attended a closed usrah session sometime last week and it was a very meaningful one. It was a privilege to be there because..... Ustaz Dr. Dato' Harun Din was the one giving the talk. How awesome is thaaaaat. All thanks to Kak Fa! It was an usrah session for artists yang baru hijrah. She received the invite and asked me if I wanted to tag along and of course I wanted to! I even sat right in front! I felt lucky.

(This was how close I was! Awesome kaaannn *grins*)

Anyway, he shared insights on Amalan and so on.. The things that caught my attention was when he talked abt Ikhlas. How privilege it is when someone feels sincere in the ibadah that he/she has done. Did you know that... 'Ikhlas' is one of the many many MANY rahsia Allah s.w.t? Yes. Not everybody is sincere on the ibadah that they are doing. There are people who do it because to them it's like a routine or something U see other's doing. They dont know the importance of solat, puasa and perkara-perkara wajib yang lain or even other good deeds. U do it because Ur parents told U to, because Ur Ustaz told U to, or because Ur boyfriend/girlfriend told U to and not because U want to, not becaue U need to. I was like that once before. Mama had to always remind me to solat. Bila masuk waktu je, and she comes upstairs and see me watching TV she'd be saying "Adiiiikkk, dah masuk waktu ni. Pergi solat! Apa nak jadi ni? Xkan nak hidup macam lembu tak ada matlamat" Yuppp! that's what she always say to me once before. So, nak mengelakkan dia bebel2 i go inside my room, with a heavy heart, with my mind wondering about the TV show I was watching and ambik wudhu' and solat. Niat bila solat "Sahaja aku solat . . . . kerana Allah Ta'ala" dalam hati baik cakap "Sahaja aku solat . . . kerana Mama suruh" so, it makes my ibadah tak berkualiti and tak Ikhlas. Allah s.w.t choose who He wants to inject the sincerity to. So, feel blessed and lucky if U have been ikhlas with all the ibadah U have been doing. How do U get sincerity? U doa from Allah s.w.t everytime U solat. U doa for a sincere heart, cleanse Ur heart from dengki,from jealousy and from Riak.They say when U sedaqah, "Lebih baik tangan kiri tidak tahu apa yang tangan kanan memberi" *im jumbling my own words to the understanding of the statement*  it's best when U sedeqah and no one else knows. Only U and Allah s.w.t knows. Elakkan daripada menimbulkan perasaan riak in Urself. Like Ustaz Dr. Dato Harun Din said last night, sometimes when U solat in front of people there's a feeling of Ohhh people are watching me! I better solat betul2 nanti dapat praises! Now that is RIAK . Lari daripada the true concept of what Ur doing. The niat. Again, the niat is "Sahaja aku solat . . . KERANA ALLAH TA'ALA' Isn't it for Him? Then why care if people are looking? why bother to even think about others that are looking? Why expect praises when initially if U dont think about other people, Ur pahala is waiting for U. Baiklah dapat pahala daripada praises. Praises wont be weighed in the afterlife at Alam Barzakh but it is ur deeds. Deeds that comes from a sincere heart. There is one other example that Ustaz Dr. Dato Harun Din gave us last night which was... when someone yawns beria-ia and another person sees and asks "Beria betul menguap, mengantuk betul kau ni" and the person answers "Semalam bangun pukul 3 pagi buat solat Tahajud lepas tu tak tidur sampai ke laa ni" Sadly, the amount of pahala that U woke up for Tahajud has been decreased all because of Ur statement. To me, a good deed isn't a good deed if everyone else knows. A good deed is between U and Allah s.w.t. Whatever good U do, there's no need to tell the whole world. Keep it private. Take it as a privacy of the relationship between U and Allah s.w.t and that leads to Ikhlas and all the pahala that Allah has promised to give U for the good that U have done will be all Urs. No deduction! Isn't that amazing? Who wouldnt want that? I know I do and Im sure everyone does too. Hope this is something worth sharing, Insyaallah! Have a blessed weekend ahead and enjoy the Deepavali holidays!

Jazakallah Khayrun

Friday, 2 November 2012

"Sabar itu adalah cahaya Nur yang bercahaya besar. Semakin sabar orang itu, semakin besar cahayanya"
-from our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
Something I myself am practising on...... 'Sabar'. They say patience is a virtue and Rasulullah said what he said that meant much more. <3

Never Enough

     Its been awhile since I've last posted on my blog. Have been too caught up with assignments and daily errands that I just sometimes wish I could make time slow down a lil to catch a breather but anyhow, still blessed to still be breathing every min and every sec of the day, Alhamdulillah.
So, 'Never Enough'. It is what it is, it means what it means. We are never enough, they are never enough, my things are never enough, my money is never enough, my amalan is never enough, EVERYTHING is never enough. I admit, there are times that I have been ungrateful of things I have. Always counting the things I dont have but never realizing so much that I have and sometimes U see others and U envy them for having things U dont have or even sometimes thinking what other's have are better than what U have padahal, kadang-kadang U have what they have but that's Us humans, untuk orang lain nampak, what we have sendiri tak pernah nak bersyukur. Take me for an example.

This happened last Wednesday. I have two classes on Wednesdays. One at 8am-11am and the second at 2pm-5pm. Usually in between the gap, I'd go home and have lunch but i dint drive to class last Wednesday. Was too malas to search for parking and too malas to drive so Momma sent me to Uni that day. I decided to go for brunch with a good friend of mine, K. So after class we decided to walk across the road from Uni and have brunch at this Mamak, Bintang Cafe. So, i had my nasi lemak and K was busy on her laptop preparing for her speech presentation for our second class. Tiba-tiba, another friend of mine, Naim came and decided to join Us. It was raining heavily outside so we were stuck in the cafe. While waiting for the rain to stop we chatted away and then, Naim keluarkan his Ipad. I asked if I could browse his Ipad. As I took his Ipad from him, I asked "Naim, ni Ipad 2 ke?" and he said yes, it is and I said "Eh, samalah macam Ipad I tapi kenapa Ipad U mcm cantik and look at the screen so, shiny! U tak guna screen protector ke?" and he answered "Guna lah, cuba tengok!" and pointed out the sticker lines on top and continued... "kenapa pulak nampak lain, kan sama dengan U punya" and then i started narrating in my head "haaaa... orang lain punya semua nampak cantik, diri sendiri punya U say not naiiissss. Tak appreciate. Nanti nak blog about this lah *grins* dalam kepala otak sendiri*"

     So, my motive here is to show that we sometimes dont see what we have but we see what other's have even if sometimes we have what they have. We should start seeing the things we have and start appreciating them. There are times as well when U see other people's partners are better than Ur own. U start to compare. Nobody should be compared. Everybody is different in their own very way. U might say Ur partner is this this this and this and Ur friend's partner is good at this this this and this and He is not this this this and this. When U have two people in front of U and U weigh the good and the bad, well... at times yes it is necessary but at times when U find what U want, U already have it next to U, U just want more. The characteristics grows. Today, U may want this.. Tomorrow, U might want something else. U see Ur friend's boyfriend all sweet and all and U start to compare and U change the direction and say "I want that. Why cant I have that?" Padahal, what U wanted, Allah dah bagi dah. He has given U what U wanted.
     This is my personal experience, everytime I go through a break up, I start wishing and praying and listing out my types and Allah is great, my prayers were answered. Maybe not all but certain characteristics termakbul. For instance, when I was 16, I wanted to date a younger guy and wanted someone who was in the same school as I was. When I say younger, I mean someone still in school, probably a year older. The thing is about me, I like older guys. I go for maturity. Anyway, so I met someone that was still schooling  and went to the same school as I did and he was a year older than me. It lasted for about 6months and we took different paths. He was a great guy, definitely was but the thing is, at times the conversations we had just made me go "Ya, Allah... apabenda dia cakap niiii???????? why is he talking about this? Why is he even saying things that just dont make sense?" but apart from that, he was really great. I remember him always travelling from Bangsar to TTDI and waiting for me and spending on me when I dint have money. He never mind wasting time on me, he'd do anything for me. He was definitely a sweetheart but all that was drained away because I couldnt handle the differences and started drifting my feelings and praying for something else. Next, while both him and I were drifting apart, I started praying for somebody else to pop out in my life. I wanted someone tall, knowledgable, just really really smart! and then.... POP! I dint have to wait too long, somebody else appeared. Somebody 5 years older, really smart, tall, he was studying in UIA doing Engineering. Well, we dated for a couple of months and our differences came to appear and it drilled in my head and I couldnt handle it. He was really smart and he actually made me feel inferior and intimidated by him and he actually made me feel stupid. Like seriously, rasa bodoh to the core. Yes, maybe tersilap doa. I should have said someone who is smart but does not make me feel stupid Lol. So, apa lagi... we ended it. So, my point is.... it is just never enough. U may get what U want, but not everything fits the bill. Not everything U want is everything U need. Allah may grant U the things U want at times but He will duga U and see if U can take it and if U can handle it. What I have learned is that we need to appreciate what we have and what is actually given to Us. Not everything is perfect and not everybody is perfect. We ourselves are not perfect why expect more from someone else? Doa benda yang baik, doa benda yang patut didoa. I no longer have a list of guys I want to end up with. I changed my doa to "What is best for my religion, my Iman and myself is best for me". Whatever is best to Allah for me, I will accept it in open arms. No more crappy lists of types! The key is to 'Berserah'. Phewwwwww..... Long post with crappy words aint it but I hope I actually made a point and made it worth reading!

Jazakallah Khayran