Engagement of Farah Farisya&Zulikram :
works in Mysterious Ways.
I wasn’t too sure if I should or I
shouldn’t share this journey of mine but I think it’s worth telling, well at
least to me it is. It has been awhile since I actually wrote on my blog. I’ve
been nestling in my own world, figuring my things out. I recently got engaged,
it was a surprise to most that I actually received texts, people asking what
happened, apa jadi? Kenapa? How? Even from the most random people, ( I thought
my phone number was only for those who were interested in my cakes and not for
asking personal questions, but oh well).
My fiancé and I, got to know each
other about a year ago, 18th of June 2013. Sweet sangat la kan untuk
remember the date, it’s because he print screened our 1st
conversation and a lot more (he might be insensitive sometimes but he’s such a sentimental person that I've come to discover) that now I’ve been keeping in my
phone as a sentimental value of mine. Maybe one day, it’ll be my version of ‘How
I met your Father’ Lol. He’s a best friend of my nephew's, I don’t know how my name
came up in their conversation one day and he found me on instagram and used my
cheesecake to get to me -___- (eyy) My weakness with him was when I met his
family about a year ago. I was welcomed with such warmth, something I’ve always
had in my doa and the very first time when we went over to my friend’s house,
he became the Imam to us, so I knew he had agama. I wanted a family who makes
me feel welcomed& warm and that was exactly how it was when I first met
them. It was decent, it wasn't over the top, it was just normal, pleasant &
just welcomed and feeling warm, exactly what I’ve always wanted and expected. But
things dint work out, I’ve already had things on my plate, I wasn’t ready for
anything maybe Allah belum bukakan hati lagi. Hati ni Allah yang punya, He
decides what to put in and to whom it should open to. One thing about him,
Ikram, he never gave up. He waited. Talk about not giving him even a slight
chance, blocked him everywhere, un-friended him from Facebook, blocked on
Instagram, blocked calls, blocked on whatsapp. Whenever he had the chance to
talk to me, he’d tell me, “I’m so sure I’m going to marry you. I doa everyday”
Creepy then, I swear but I was kinda awed by him being so sure, so
determined. I met other people, some men give up so easily when things get
rough, when we don’t reach them, they don’t find U, they wait for U to find
them but that wasn’t Ikram. He knew what he wanted from the very beginning. His
intentions were clear. I really love going to Islamic Events, I received
mysterious free tickets out of absolutely no where! From Twins of Faith to
Mufti Menk’s talk in KL, all free tickets. Siti, a really good friend of mine
would out of the blue say “Farisya, I dapat free tickets for this event, jom
pergi!” I’ve always wondered who, but when everything was settled, I found out
it was all from Ikram cause he knew I love going to these events and of course
Siti jadi orang tengah (thanks for keeping secrets from me, Adabiyah -___-)
Months later, earlier this year,
Momma came back from Kelantan from a cousin’s engagement. She asked about
Ikram. I found out Ikram texted Momma while she was there and Momma fell for it
(in a good way that is) and so I said “Ma, if U like him, mama arrange kan lah.
Adik tak nak ambik tahu. Adik ikut je” I never thought Momma would take it
seriously but she did! Text after text between Momma and Ikram, Momma finally
told Ikram that if he was serious about me, bring his parents to come meet mine
and of course, Ikram did. I don’t know how, macam mana but it just happened
after that. It was easy. What surprised me was Bah. My dad, he’s the old school
kinda guy, probably how most fathers are like too. I’m 20, education first,
work on my degree, marriage later. Few came over to ask for my hand in
marriage, trust me kena tolak kaw-kaw but it wasn’t like that this time. He was
so approving of it. I was in a state of shock, I still dint understand how it
was happening, macam mana? Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni. For those who know
Bah, they’d totally understand what I’m exactly saying. I was also expecting
some objection from my side of the family with the decision my parents are
making but no, no one objected, in fact everyone was happy (mungkin semua nak
get rid of me? Pfft ;p) Ikram’s family came in March, settled on having the
engagement in June. Crazy how things happened so fast and so smooth that
exaggerated or not, I felt like I was floating and I let things past by me,
beyond my usual control (sometimes I could be a slightly control freak).
It wasn’t easy for me to settle in,
it took me awhile and a lot of Istikharah. I remember going to Twins of Faith
last year, and before I went, I was actually wondering how Istikharah really
works. Is there a time frame? Should I wait for a mimpi for an answer? All
that, that made me confused. Allah answered me, I went to TOF, and there was a
workshop called “Get Married or Die Fasting”. I was taken back on how many
youths were there, teenagers, people around my age. Mungkin selalunya kita
tengok perempuan yang asyik sibuk about these things, but no. The guys were
there too, asking questions. Semua keluar, semua asyik cakap “I wanna get
married. I think it’s so beautiful. I don’t wanna stay in sin.” I was one of
them too. In the workshop, this really awesome Sheikh Alaa Elsayed (gosh, I
fell in love with his lectures, he was really really good). I remember him
saying “We Muslims, do not just simply get married out of love. It is not
Mahabbah (love) for us Muslims. Marriage is about Mawaddah and Rahmah where
Mawaddah is something higher than Mahabbah (love) and it comes from women and
Rahmah is mercy which comes from men.” He blew me away, really and I’m so sure
I wasn’t the only one. He explained about Istikharah and how it works. He said,
Istikharah does not have a time frame to it, it isn’t a week or a month it is
supposed to be done until U are sure and certain and that comes from Ur heart.
Allah yang gerakkan hati. We ask, we will get the answer, In shaa Allah. Gerak
hati ni sangat powerful especially when Ur nawaitu is Lillahita’ala. Allah will
definitely help. When U seek for Him, He comes running to answer U. U just need
to believe. MashaAllah, it’s incredible how it works, really. And so I did
that, and I wasn’t in love, it felt different. I wasn’t into Ikram, I probably
picked fights and became this really tough cookie, made it hard for him but I don’t
know why, I never said I don’t wanna do this and declined the proposal. I
became tough on him, ada je salah dia. Ada je tak kena. I get annoyed so fast
even for the silliest things but Ikram just stood still and he was so patient
that I always questioned Why? If it was lelaki lain, they’d probably walk off
already but not him which surprised me. I probably had trouble with my fiancé,
making him understand and just expecting knowing what to do because most of the
time, he was clueless. He dint know how to handle situations but the best thing
about him for now (I hope he stays this way) is that he listens and he
improvises. When I tell him the things that I don’t like, he just sits and
listens and never points back at me though I gave him many reasons for him to.
I started opening up. Momma kept saying “Perasaan ni semua nafsu, the enjoyment
of a relationship before marriage is all nafsu.” “If adik tak happy, Momma doa.
Allah will ease Ur heart for him kalau dia lah terbaik for U, In shaa Allah”
and so I guess she did, cause I started opening up as Ikram started to grow and
improve. He made me want to improve as well and get myself all prepared. It
made me still on the decision they were making for me because it made my
parents happy knowing anak dia dengar cakap both of them. I may not have been a
perfect daughter to them but knowing I’m doing something right, something that
eases their hearts, bring pleasure to them made me just let it all happen and I
knew, tak akan Momma&Bah would want to choose wrongly untuk their daughter.
As days went by, of course I did research on my own about Ikram who was soon to
be my fiancé then. I asked around (yes, if u’re reading this, I did) and all
the feed backs I got were all good. I knew he had agama, and a good family
background and responsible too. I was taken back one time when I saw him taking
care of my nephew, Owais who is 3 months old whenever he’s over at my house
with my family and how he loves Harris and Hanna. More importantly, I know he
is really responsible towards his mum and that his parents and sisters mean a
lot to him. I once heard a lecture on how to pick the right husband. Pick a man
who takes care of his family, his mum especially and see how he treats his
sisters cause that is how he will treat U. New tip, girls! Make sure U look out
for these details when Ur looking for a husband. See if he loves learning about
the Deen too. If a man cries over stories of Rasulullah saw, he’s a keeper to
me and yes, dear fiancé, U fit the bill. I was also so happy to see that his
family and mine connected so well. Momma has always wanted to berbesan with a
family that can go well with us and Ikram’s family is such a pleasure to have.
I know things can grow even better, In shaa Allah and thrilled that they all
fit in so well. To me, family has been so important, I’ve had my share of bad
experience so I’ve always doa, and Allah bagi at the right time. I was so
happy! I mean, when U get married, main part is silaturrahim, U expand Ur
family and to have a good relationship with each other is such a bonus. I would
wanna be happy to spend time with my in laws, I could talk to my sister in laws
and that it would be a pleasure every time my husband wants to go back to his
family’s house rather than feeling tak nak cause some tension between us all
but this, what I have now, even the start is better than what I have imagined.
Like I said, the relationship isn’t over the top, but it progresses so
beautifully each time, Alhamdulillah. I feel like myself when I’m around them
and that’s a rezeki for me and they’re so lovely, Alhamdulillah.
June came, 14th of June
to be exact everything&everyone was ready for my engagement. Mula-mula, tak
nervous, relax-relax dulu, tak rasa apa. My engagement was after maghrib, and
when my sister, Kak Jihan came in my room to assist me down, gosh! That’s when
I couldn’t feel anything. Knees were weak and the rest was history. It went so
well, it was like a reunion. My family and his, they were connected in some
way, which most of them knew each other (small world!). Bah’s from Pahang, and
his parents are too so as it turned out, some of them were long lost friends back
in their days. It was so overwhelming, Alhamdulillah. Best part was, I had most
of the important people in my life with me on that small step/special day of
mine and so I thank family&friends who came daripada jauh just to witness
that day with me. I started introducing people to Ikram (yes, he was there
after it was all over) I introduced him as my fiancé, my tunang, it was too
awkward at first and I’d giggle every time I introduced him cause bayangkan
lah, I never introduced him as anything, he was not my boyfriend he was just
Ikram and suddenly, hey! He’s my fiancé!
I felt like it was over within a split second and best part was everything was so casual and relaxed too!
Probably my favorite picture of his mum&I
P.S: Thanks, Rafiq for the amazing photos U took.
The guy known as the one who is so
annoying, who doesn’t take no for an answer, who just doesn’t know when to stop
is now my fiancé. Crazy how it works, kerja Allah. It all concludes to hati ni
milik Allah. Now that guy who is annoying, I kinda miss when he’s working and
on long hour flights. Allah yang boleh tukar how we feel but of course for now,
everything has its limits to how we feel for things. There should be a distance
cause when the time comes, then the distance closes and then ke langit biru pun
both of us can go. May Allah protect us and keep our relationship
clean&right. This is the perfect example for me, sometimes we plan but
Allah plans it differently and better of course and just beautiful. It’s overwhelming
to see all of this progressing. We’re not even waiting too long too, the
engagement is only for 6 months. Imagine lah, 6 months! Now, everything is in
progress for a wedding in December, In shaa Allah. They say I’d never get a
nice hall in such short notice cause usually people book a year before but
Alhamdulillah, I found a place better than I imagined with such a good deal. Things
are progressing smoothly though I admit, it’s pretty stressful especially
juggling with studies and also preparing tapi all is going fine. I’ve got so
much help from the people around me that makes it all easy that makes it not
such a heavy burden that I still have time and of course to prioritize my
studies first and in between do my preparations. Not saying this is an all
smooth sailing boat ride, it has its bumps but I’m too certain that Allah will
help, In shaa Allah because we’re doing something beautiful and everything is
because of Him and for Him.
The girl who envied these young
girls who got married while they were studying who ended up elok je, berkat je
is finally getting married at 20, In shaa Allah. The girl yang asyik doa siang
malam with a list of how she wants her future husband to be, dapat apa yang dia
asyik doa pada Allah. I can’t thank Momma enough, berkat doa dia mungkin,
berkat dia yang pilih. Because, redha Ibu, redha Allah. Nothing’s perfect but I’m
too thankful for whatever that’s happening to me right now, for all that I have
been given and maybe, just maybe I might have done something right. For every
flaw and bump, makes me realize, this is just dunia which makes it real and not
make believe. May Allah ease my journey&Berkatkan my perjalanan because Ya
Allah, I’m so thankful, Alhamdulillah.
Thanks to those who have doa and
wished for me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, May Allah bless everyone.
Thanks Dena for capturing this, this picture's so priceless just cause maybe Bah hugged me that way. Felt like I was 6 again. We had a small celebration for Bah's 78th birthday too since his birthday was on the 6th of June.
and of course all of them,Us. Finally a family picture of all of us. Thanks kakak-kakak&abang for just EVERYTHING! *though I wish Bah smiled -__-*
This too sweet girl :') nak nanges aa baca, ahahaha
ReplyDeleteWoaaah.. Sweet.. Alhamdulilah... Mudah2an hidupmu dgn ur tunang dipermudahkn... Aamiin
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