Hari ni at exactly 12:43 pm the time i am starting to write.. I shall write about as you can see up there, the title is 'Women'. Yes, 'Women'. What about Women? I'm not even sure if I'm even cut out to write about Women and not even sure I am a woman yet. So, what is a Woman? The dictionary says its the female human being, an adult female person,a female attendant to a lady of rank,a wife, a sweetheart or paramour;mistress (whuuutt???) These are the definition of the word 'Woman' in the dictionary but in your very own point of view... what is a Woman? what are Women? Yes, a plural of women (obviously) but what is ur definition of a Woman?
In my point of view, I can define it in one word which is STRONG. I grew up around women that are strong, well at least I was raised by one. My mother, she is the strongest person I know. The most patient, the most strongest, a woman I personally admire most. Apart from my mother whom I love and admire most, I saw women in front of me as I grew.. They were mistreated, they were left by husbands, they raised their own kids, they're the ones who go out to cari rezeki to put food on the table for their kids. Well, for me... my mother's case was different. 18 years of my life, i lived in a perfect imperfect world where I had both of my parents but for personal reasons I know what my Mum had to go through. Lets let that remain private. I'm not here to talk about my Mum but I'm here to talk about how these other women that I've seen go through their lives. Contoh terdekat is my sister, Kak Jihan. Married twice, 1st husband left when my nephew, Harris was 3 months old. Never gave nafkah, never took the responsibility. 2nd marriage, he was in his own world. Suka hati nak balik, tak nak balik during the marriage. Left after a week or less after my niece, Hanna was born. Never gave nafkah, even the hospital bill on Hanna's birth was on her. Isn't that crazy?? Why? I'd like to find out why are these men behaving this way? Im happy to be taking up Psychology. Maybe one day with knowledge I'd understand better why these things happen and what is going through their minds. Lack of ajaran agama? kurang didikan from family? These men are even old enough if we say it's about maturity. They take a much longer time to ripe i suppose. Maturity is not at all about age factor. I suppose its the experience that you go through matures you. Any religion do not teach their Men to behave such way and to treat their Women this way. Not just that, I heard many stories about Men leaving their wives for other Women or some Men after awhile of marriage, they discover they're not meant to be married. Sighhh... I sighhh long for this! These are the factors of why Marriage scares the crap out of me! But, for us Muslims.. our weapon is our 'Doa'.
Here's something my Aunt told me and something I add on to it... Everytime you pray... the last sujud before our takhyat akhir once we finish our 'Subhanarabiala'lawabihamdih' 3 times, we recite our doa.. Pray to Allah, speak to Him as what I heard that, that gesture, the last sujud is the closest spiritually that we are with Him. Doa for what kind of Men you want. I'd doa for a Man with Eeman, who can guide me and my future zuriat, who would love me endlessly, who can take me to Jannah, who would love and respect my parents and family, who loves his and responsible towards his Mum,who is responsible towards Me, his wife and also Mampu to take care of his future family. So, what's your doa? For the single ladies (Beyonce's song is ringing in my head now) put yo hands up! and lets start doa, hoping we wont end up being these women. Hoping and Praying that we'll be the lucky ones.
Jazakallah Khayran,
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